Thursday, April 2, 2009


I had a fun time with this loop; I got to experiment with the different kinds of effects. I put reeverb on the kick drum that comes in at the beginning, and continues throughout the rest of the song. While experimenting, I also put delay on the clap and loved the way it sounded. I thought it fit nicely with the kick drums, let me know if you disagree. Now for the bass; I have 2 bass patterns, one that I transposed up, and one that I transposed down. It took me a while to pick a bass line, I was having trouble making it fit with the guitar that plays through the entire song. Once I did finally decide on a bass line, I wanted it to change somewhere in the song. That’s when I decided to transpose the pitch. After doing this, I discovered that I really liked the way it sounded when I put chorus on it. I had trouble with an ending. I wanted a longer ending, changing up the song a little, but was having trouble making it fit. In the end I ended up playing random guitar notes, a clap, and a kick together to make a very short, but creative ending. So far this was one of my favorite projects to do, tell me how you think I did!


  1. i like the way the bass seems to vibrate through you like it would at a concert. I also like the delay on the clap. The ending could have been better, but I know you were having trouble. All in all, great job.

  2. I love the beginning, it really grabs the listeners ears and the kickdrums,bass and clap flow smoothly into the intro. Having the sounds come in at different times really builds up the excitement of the loop and it makes it less messy. I also like the bass because you transposed it, its a really good beat and then tone gets changed up so the listner doesnt get to bored with it. Although I think you should have added maybe one more guitar loop to make a little more build up to the ending. But i really like the very last part, but I feel there should be something else leading up to it.

  3. Well done. I like the echo on the clap and the use of modulating effect. I agree with Amanda that the ending should build a bit before slamming that last note down.
